Daniela De Pasquale and Salvatore Orlando at the webinar “Artificial Intelligence Law” organized by CRINT Milan Bar Association

Yesterday, on February 1, 2024, the webinar titled “Artificial Intelligence Law” took place, organized by the International Relations Committee of the Milan Bar Association – CRINT.

The event hosted prominent companies and academics in the field and was introduced and moderated by Daniela De Pasquale, Partner at Ughi e Nunziante, with the participation of Salvatore Orlando, Of Counsel at Ughi e Nunziante, who explained the structure of the AI Act.

Together with other speakers, namely, Attorney Giuseppe Vaciago, Attorney Alessandra Bini, Prof. Giovanni De Gregorio, Prof. Attorney Edoardo Raffiotta, and Attorney Carlotta Bonanomi, a highly informative session was held on the use and management of AI, focusing on:

  • The existence of an institutional table for Justice and Artificial Intelligence and the activities of the Innovation Committee of the Milan Bar Council, including the recent establishment of an “Innovation Laboratory” aimed at analyzing innovations intended to improve the legal profession;
  • The system of rules for Artificial Intelligence in European Union law based on the level of risk, where the qualification of the type should not be done in the abstract but depends on the concrete use made of this technology;
  • The governance system for compliance with these rules in a global and technological company like IBM, emphasizing the centrality of humans and advocacy activities, and knowledge dissemination through the provision of training content;
  • The so-called European Values and the impact assessment concerning fundamental rights. The central role assigned by European and national institutions in safeguarding these rights;
  • The application of AI principles in contracts in a technological company like Google: the need to comply with numerous sources and attention to aspects related to intellectual property and provider responsibility;
  • The role played by the Coordination Committee for updating national strategies on the use of artificial intelligence in promoting the development of this technology in Italy;
  • The coexistence of the AI Act with various other sources, including the GDPR.

We thank the speakers and the numerous participants.

Save the date! The treaty to avoid double taxation between Brazil and Italy

14th SEPTEMBER 2022 | Save the date!

On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Brazil’s independence, Ughi e Nunziante and Lorenzetti Marques, together with LIDE, invite you to participate in the event entitled “The treaty to avoid double taxation between Brazil and Italy.”

We will be discussing the topic together with Eduardo Lorenzetti MarquesAntonello Lupo and Riccardo Calil.

The event will be held in phygital mode, simultaneously both in attendance in Milan and São Paulo (Brazil), and online!

Limited places, for registration write to: n.labonne@unlaw.it (Milan); efaustino@slmlaw.com.br (São Paulo)

More info on the attached pdf.

Antonello Lupo, partner at Ughi e Nunziante, addresses the “Generational handover” issue

Antonello Lupo, partner at Ughi e Nunziante, addressed the issue of “Corporate asset preservation and business continuity in generational handovers – instruments and case studies”, during the event “Generational Handovers”, held in Lucrezia di Cartoceto on 26 May 2016.

The event, organized by the Cultural Association “Via della Seta” together with Compagnia delle Opere and Banca Consulia, was greeted by Mauro Rapa (Chairman of the Cultural Association “La Via della Seta”) and Mariano Spadaro (Chairman of Compagnia delle Opere Pesaro Urbino), and attended by speakers Umberto Grieco (Manager for Central Italy of Banca Consulia) who addressed the topic “Banca Consulia, the bank which operates without any conflicts of interest”; Paolo Furlan (Marketing Manager of Bim Vita) with a speech on “Building, managing and handing over assets: how to go about it” and Anastasia Accattoli (Owner of Vini Accattoli, Montefano MC) with her “Testimony of a generational handover”.

Andrea Ughi among the speakers at the Oporto conference of the Association Européenne d’Etudes Juridiques et Fiscales

Andrea Ughi participated in the conference of the Association Européenne d’Etudes Juridiques et Fiscales held in Oporto on 30 May 2015, with his presentation titled “The Right to be Forgotten. To Forget is human; does internet want to forget?”, commenting on the well-known judgment of the European Court of Justice in the Costeja Gonzalez/Google case on the right to be forgotten.

Ughi e Nunziante at the Franco-Italian Day of the International Bar Association

As in the past editions of the event, Ughi e Nunziante and Mr. Marcello Gioscia were members of the organizing committee of the fourth edition of the IBA Franco-Italian Day, which was held in Paris on 27 November 2014 under the aegis of the International Bar Association (IBA).

Laurence Bulan, Avocat à la Cour and partner of Ughi e Nunziante, who attended as speaker, described and compared traditional and more innovative means of enhancing cultural heritage in French and Italian law.

At the Rome office of Ughi e Nunziante there is a French desk led by Laurence Bulan, previously head of the legal department of Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies in France. Laurence has been working in Italy for over 17 years.

Host State Sovereignty and the Concept of Investment – conference with prof. Rudolf Dolzer at the Rome office of Ughi e Nunziante

On 23 April, Ughi e Nunziante hosted a conference on the topic Host State Sovereignty and the Concept of Investment, organized by prof.  Piero Bernardini who is President of the Italian Association for Arbitration (AIA) and of counsel of the Firm.

Rudolf Dolzer, professor emeritus of international law at the University of Bonn, attended as speaker.

The event took place at the Rome office of Ughi e Nunziante with videoconference connection to the Chamber of Arbitration of Milan.

Agostino Clemente, partner of Ughi e Nunziante, is a lecturer at the conference on experimentation and innovation in the cartoons (“Sperimentazione e Innovazione nel Cartoon”).

Agostino Clemente, partner of Ughi Nunziante, is lecturer at the conference Experimentation and Innovation in the Cartoon, which will be held on July 6, 2012 at IED in Rome.

This is the link to the page presenting the event http://www.cartoonitalia.it/notizie_1.php?id=20

Agostino Clemente is the President of Cartoon Italia, the association of Italian companies of animation, and is professor of commercial law at the University of L’Aquila.

Ughi e Nunziante among the organizing law firms of the 26th IBA International Financial Law Conference

Ughi e Nunziante is co-hosting the 26th International Financial Law Conference, an event presented by the IBA Banking Law Committee e the IBA Securities Law Committee, to be held in Rome on May 13-15, 2009.

The discussion topics covered are: “Regulatory response to the financial crisis – what may work and what hasn’t worked?”; “Know your counterparty – learning lessons from the credit crunch”; “Bank failures and bailouts – the continuing evolution”; “Accounting and the credit crisis: what does it mean for harmonisation?”; “Directors in a time of crisis”.

The event will provide an opportunity for prominent lawyers and other operators in the banking and finance sector to cover mutliple aspects of their activity related to the financial crisis.

Ughi e Nunziante among the organizing law firms of the first IBA Italy-Spain bilateral meeting

Ughi e Nunziante, togheter with Garrigues, Uría & Menéndez, Nunziante Magrone, Gianni Origoni Grippo & Partners, Macchi di Cellere e Gangemi and Cuatrecasas, is organizing the “1st Italy – Spain Bilateral Meeting”, a discussion event presented by the IBA European Forum, to be held in Rome on June 27, 2008.

The discussion topics covered in light of the Italian-Spanish experience are “M&A”, “Banking, Finance and Privatisations” and “Energy”. The event will provide an opportunity for prominent Italian and Spanish lawyers, managers and decision makers in the corporate, finance and regulatory fields to increase mutual knowledge and discuss issues of shared interest in an open environment.

This meeting will be followed by a reciprocal event to be held in Madrid.


Ughi e Nunziante among the organizing law firms of the conference “Class actions at a crossroads”

Ughi e Nunziante, togheter with Debevoise & Plimpton, Dewey Ballantine, Fulbright & Jaworski, Gianni Origoni Grippo & Partners, Jenner & Block, Macchi di Cellere Gangemi, Murray Frank & Sailer, Nunziante Magrone and Tosetto Weigman e Associati, is organizing “Class Actions at a Crossroads: Europe’s choice between its own and the American model”, a discussion event presented by the Litigation Committee of the IBA Dispute Resolution Section and by the ABA Section of International Law, to be held in Rome on May 24-25, 2007.