Best Lawyers Italy 2025

🏅We’re proud to announce that most of our professionals have been ranked in Best Lawyers Italy 2025.
In particular:

  • Giuseppe de Falco – Banking and Finance Law and Capital Markets Law
  • Marcello Gioscia – Banking and Finance Law
  • Silvia Lazzeretti – Litigation
  • Roberto Leccese – Litigation
  • Antonello Lupo – Tax Law
  • Filippo Mazza – Corporate Law
  • Salvatore Orlando – Litigation
  • Gianluigi Pugliese – Structured Finance Law

✨Congratulations to all of them and their teams!

WWL Italy 2024 Guide

The official guide of Who’s Who Legal Italy 2024 has been published.

Our firm is present, for the Banking & Finance sector, with partners Giuseppe de Falco and Marcello Gioscia, for the Data sector, with partners Daniela De Pasquale and Massimiliano Pappalardo, and for the Labour Employment & Benefits sector, with partner Federico Torzo.

Congratulations to all!

Massimiliano Pappalardo awarded as “Tech Professional of the Year – Privacy, Data Protection, Cybersecurity”

Last night at the TopLegal Industry Awards 2024, Massimiliano Pappalardo was awarded as the “Tech Professional of the Year – Privacy, Data Protection, Cybersecurity”.

Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition!

Filippo Mazza named “Lawyer of the Year Insurance”

The Legalcommunity Corporate Awards 2024 took place last night, June 12, 2024.

Congratulations to our own Filippo Mazza for being named “Lawyer of the Year Insurance” with the following commendation: “He has been one of the most active lawyers in the insurance market this year, handling high-profile and economically significant transactions. He stands out for his proactive approach and in-depth knowledge of the sector.

The Legal 500 recognizes Ughi e Nunziante in their 2022 EMEA guide

Ughi e Nunziante announced today that the firm has been recommended as a Leading Firm in Commercial, corporate and M&A and Data privacy and data protection in The Legal 500 2022 EMEA guide. In addition, this year the firm has been cited as a “Firm to watch” in Administrative and Public Law.

The Legal 500 cited clients as referring to the firm’s Commercial, corporate and M&A team as having:

“very high competence and knowledge of the subject matter”; and
“ability to build a climate of trust, collaboration and constructive communication that distinguishes the firm from the competition.”

Clients of our Data privacy and data protection team were quoted as citing the firm’s:

“Extreme competence, practical and effective approach, courtesy and empathy of professionals”;
“strong internationalization”; and
“solution oriented” approach.

The Legal 500 recognized the firm and its professionals in the following categories:

Leading Firm in Commercial, corporate and M&A

Recommended lawyers:

    • Filippo Mazza
    • Roberto Leccese

Other key lawyer(s):

    • Giuseppe Coco
    • Amon Airoldi
    • Luigi Cascone

Leading Firm in Data privacy and data protection

Recommended lawyers:

    • Agostino Clemente
    • Massimiliano Pappalardo

Other key lawyer(s):

    • Pasquale Di Stefano

Firm to watch in Administrative and Public Law

Who’s Who Legal recognizes Partner Giuseppe de Falco

Ughi e Nunziante announced today that Who’s Who Legal has recognized Partner Giuseppe De Falco as a National Leader in Banking and Finance. Who’s Who notes that, “Giuseppe De Falco is known to be extremely proficient in real estate structured financing and derivative instruments, and also in assisting clients in banking-related litigation.”

The WWL research process is based on recommendations and feedback from eminent private practitioners in the sector or industry in question as well as from corporate counsel or other clients who have worked closely with the nominees.

Who’s Who Legal recognizes Partners Daniela De Pasquale and Massimiliano Pappalardo

Ughi e Nunziante announced today that Who’s Who Legal has recognized two of the firm’s partners for excellence in the areas of data privacy and protection and IP issues pertaining to new technologies. The WWL research process is based on recommendations and feedback from eminent private practitioners in the sector or industry in question as well as from corporate counsel or other clients who have worked closely with the nominees.

Recognized Partners:

  • Daniela De Pasquale comes highly recommended by sources for her strong experience in data privacy and protection regulation.
    Global Leader: Data – Data Privacy & Protection 2020, Data – Information Technology 2020
    National Leader: Italy – Data 2020
  • Massimiliano Pappalardo is “an outstanding lawyer” with over 20 years’ experience in complex IP issues pertaining to new technologies, as well as data protection matters.
    Global Leader: Data – Data Privacy & Protection 2020, Data – Information Technology 2020
    National Leader: Italy – Data 2020