Ughi e Nunziante with Luigi Cascone to assist the City of Valencia in returning the “San Dimas” attributed to the Spanish master Juan De Ribalta

Milan, 2 March 2023 – Last February 28 in Valencia, Spain, the return of the work of art that was stolen in 1979 from the church of San Miguel de los Reyes and that, thanks to Interpol, was found in the possession of an Italian citizen who claimed its purchase by adverse possession, was officially presented to the public. The work of art is now back in Valencia where it will be exhibited at the City Museum after some restoration work due to the damages suffered at the time of the theft.

Luigi Cascone, Partner of Ughi e Nunziante – Studio Legale, assisted the Municipality of Valencia in the long-lasting civil litigation, which began in 2008 before the Court of La Spezia (Italy) to claim ownership of the painting and ended in 2021 with the rejection by the Court of Appeal of Genoa of all the appeals filed by the other party to the ruling that in 2016 recognized the ownership of the painting to the Municipality of Valencia.

The judgment was then followed by the release phase from the criminal court, which concluded last Friday with the painting’s return to its city of origin. Also in this last phase, the Municipality of Valencia was supported by Ughi and Nunziante with a team composed, in addition to Luigi Cascone, of Counsels Carlo Delle Piane and Carmen Oriani and Associate Flavio Rodi.

Ughi e Nunziante with Celli Group in the acquisition of CAB

Milan, 8 February 2023 – Ughi e Nunziante – Studio Legale assisted Celli S.p.A., a portfolio company of the private equity firm Ardian and a global leader in the design and production of beverage dispensing equipment and accessories, in the strategic acquisition of CAB S.p.A.

CAB is a family-owned Italian excellence based in Pozzuoli (Naples), specializing in the design and production of slush machines, beverage refrigerators and hot beverage dispensers. With the acquisition, Celli Group will be able to expand its offer and finalize its goal of developing beverage dispensing systems as an alternative solution to single use packaging.

Ughi e Nunziante acted as legal advisor to Celli with a team led by Partner Amon Airoldi and Associates Deniz Kivage and Pietro Pastorello.

Quorum acted as legal advisor to the shareholders of CAB, with a team led by Partners Francesco Fiore and Paolo Comuzzi and Associate Mariagiusy Portogallo.

“Real Estate, the market is slowing down, but funds do not stop” – Andrea Ughi’s interview for ItaliaOggi’s thematic focus

Italia Oggi published an in-depth article by Antonio Ranalli on the Italian Real Estate market, which recorded a 20% increase in 2022 compared to the previous year.

The first nine months of 2022 were the main driver, raising 9.7 billion euros, against a sharply declining last quarter, partly due to the geopolitical situation that led to rising energy costs and interest rates.

According to Andrea Ughi, “The sector related to students accommodation is definitely on the rise, with an expected significant increase for the coming years. This trend reflects the progressive and constant growth in numbers of students enrolled at Italian universities. This is also due to Brexit, which has led to a reduction in the flow of students towards the United Kingdom, favoring a greater concentration of students in EU universities, among which those in many Italian cities have certainly come to the fore.

Last but not least, some regions allow these facilities, for a few months, to perform hostel functions, ensuring full occupancy of the structure all-year-round.

There is no slowdown in the office sector, and indeed market demand is always growing in the Milan market, which is increasingly managed by international real estate funds, both for development and marketing. As for the residential sector, there is a growing search for more space, which has led to the revitalization of less central areas, especially in large cities like Milan. This in turn is leading to major investments by market players in semi-peripheral areas (including build-to-rent transactions).”

To read the full article

Federico Torzo of Ughi e Nunziante legal advisor to Sabato De Sarno in the transition to Gucci

Milan, 2 February 2023 – Federico Torzo, Partner in charge of the Employment and Labour Law department of Ughi e Nunziante – Studio Legale, assisted Sabato De Sarno in his transition from Valentino to Gucci.


“I am honored to have supported Sabato in reaching this important and well-deserved milestone. The beauty of doing advisory work in the luxury segment is the opportunity to see firsthand how much prestige, value and attention there is worldwide for those who are true ambassadors of Made in Italy, while measuring up to realities at the pinnacle of fairness and politeness”.


De Sarno joined the Florentine fashion house as Creative Director, after holding positions of increasing responsibility at leading Italian fashion houses.

Ughi e Nunziante legal advisor to Munich Re in the MGA with Global Assistance and Wopta

Milan, 5 December 2022 – Ughi e Nunziante – Studio Legale assisted the global leader in insurance and reinsurance, the Munich Re Group, in establishing a vertical insurtech partnership agreement (MGA) with the insurance company Global Assistance S.p.A., specialising in damage coverage with a comprehensive offering for individuals and SMEs, and with the Insurance broker, Wopta Assicurazioni, a new phygital company characterised by an innovative proprietary technology platform.

Munich Re Group is a pioneer in the risk management and digital transformation of the insurance industry and boasts expertise in signing Liability and Life treaties and voluntary insurance, complex risks requiring high capacity, such as catastrophes, and niche risks such as cyber and D&O, as well as a deep-rooted tradition in the technical assessment of large exposures, single risks or portfolios.

Ughi e Nunziante acted as Munich Re’s legal advisor with a team led by Partner Filippo Mazza together with Partner Agostino Clemente and Associate Beatrice Gallucci, the latter  for privacy and GDPR related aspects.

“Fashion law, brand protection increasingly passes through law firms” – Daniela De Pasquale interviewed by ItaliaOggi

On ItaliaOggi, an in-depth article by Antonio Ranalli on the role that law firms play in protecting brands and opening online and offline sales channels.

Daniela De Pasquale, interviewed on the subject, talked about the relationship between trademarks, virtual goods, metaverse and Nft. At present, it is cautious to provide for the registration of trademarks for merchandise classes additional to those traditionally related to apparel. Inotre stores and fashion shows have moved into the metaverse and the increasing gamification of fashion is leading to the creation of models intended to dress only avatars.

To read the article, click here.

Ughi e Nunziante with Italian Fashion Team in the acquisition by Golden Goose

Ughi e Nunziante, with a team composed of Partner Amon Airoldi and Associate Debora Zandara, assisted Italian Fashion Team (IFT), a Salento-based industrial manufacturing company specializing in the design, production and marketing of high-end footwear for some of Italy’s best-known luxury brands, in its acquisition by Golden Goose, a well-known Italian luxury fashion brand specializing in the production of footwear and accessories, for which IFT was already the main supplier.

The press review is available here.

“Shipping Law, the crisis opens up new spaces for law firms” – Andrea Marega interviewed by ItaliaOggi

This week, ItaliaOggi Sette focus is on the shipping sector.
Specifically, Antonio Ranalli conducted a survey on the structural changes and multiple challenges faced by the global maritime industry in the light of the pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
One of the professionals interviewed was our Partner Andrea Marega, expert in Administrative, Regulatory and Antitrust Law, who notes how the logistics, shipping and maritime transport sector has undergone such far-reaching changes globally that antitrust authorities in Europe and the US have exceptionally adopted exemptions in the fight against cartels.
Shipping companies – which were already expecting a decrease in overall maritime traffic – were allowed to join forces, resulting in a significant increase in the cost of goods.
The impact is such, says Marega, that it “calls into question the relocation of production, which is the result of the globalised economy”.

The full focus is available here

“Elections and social media space” – Daniela De Pasquale’s article for Wired

The topic is a hot one: at election time, what role do social media play?
Is it right for platforms to shield us from disinformation and hidden election advertising? And to defend us from manipulation attempts from abroad?
Today it is up to them to control the content in the great digital public space created by social.
In this article for Wired Italia, by our own Daniela De Pasquale, an accurate reflection on these issues, in the light of the current and future regulatory framework.
We recommend reading it, at this link

“Generational shift in law firms: a less and less family affair”, Roberto Leccese interviewed by Il Sole 24 Ore

Massimiliano Carbonaro interviewed for Il Sole 24 Ore our Managing Partner Roberto Leccese, who described how Ughi e Nunziante has completed the generational shift in coincidence with the fiftieth anniversary of its foundation, in 2019, embarking on a new path of growth and development that has seen the entry of numerous professionals, a drastic reduction in the members’ average age and a significant gender rebalancing.

To read the full article click here