Ughi and Nunziante in the sale of Schmack Biogas shares to Hitachi Zosen Inova AG

Hitachi Zosen Inova AG, a company active worldwide in the development of large waste-to-energy plants and renewable energy and biogas production systems, has acquired 85% of Schmack Biogas, a company previously controlled by PLC and active in the construction and management of biogas and biomethane plants.

Specifically, the transaction involved the sale of the entire 51% stake by PLC, while the two minority shareholders, Massimo Rossetto and Nicolò Cariboni, sold part of their shares and will remain in the company’s capital with minority stakes totalling 15%.

Ughi e Nunziante followed Nicolò Cariboni and Massimo Rossetto in all aspects related to the sale of a portion of their shares and assisted them in defining the agreements for the management of subsequent relations with the Hitachi Zosen Inova Group (as minority shareholders and in their role as managers of Target after the transaction). The team was coordinated by partner Pietro Orzalesi, with senior associate Agostino Frau. The labour law aspects were followed by partner Marco Lanzani and senior associate Filippo Bodo.

The importance of being resident: is it possible to simplify the notion of tax residence of individuals?

An individual’s tax residence is a key factor for the application of income taxes in various jurisdictions. In a context of increasing global mobility and post-Covid-19 digital nomadism, the accurate determination of the tax residence of individuals becomes increasingly important, especially as jurisdictions compete to attract individuals with high-net-worth.

But how does one deal with the challenge of establishing whether an individual is considered a tax resident in a particular jurisdiction?

An article by Barbara Emma Pizzoni and Linda Favi, published by IBA Taxes Committee, examines the recent efforts made in Italy to overcome challenges related to determining the tax residence of individuals. These efforts have been implemented by revising the definition of tax residence contained in Article 2 of the TUIR.
The full article is available here.