“Fashion law, brand protection increasingly passes through law firms” – Daniela De Pasquale interviewed by ItaliaOggi

On ItaliaOggi, an in-depth article by Antonio Ranalli on the role that law firms play in protecting brands and opening online and offline sales channels.

Daniela De Pasquale, interviewed on the subject, talked about the relationship between trademarks, virtual goods, metaverse and Nft. At present, it is cautious to provide for the registration of trademarks for merchandise classes additional to those traditionally related to apparel. Inotre stores and fashion shows have moved into the metaverse and the increasing gamification of fashion is leading to the creation of models intended to dress only avatars.

To read the article, click here.

Ughi e Nunziante with Italian Fashion Team in the acquisition by Golden Goose

Ughi e Nunziante, with a team composed of Partner Amon Airoldi and Associate Debora Zandara, assisted Italian Fashion Team (IFT), a Salento-based industrial manufacturing company specializing in the design, production and marketing of high-end footwear for some of Italy’s best-known luxury brands, in its acquisition by Golden Goose, a well-known Italian luxury fashion brand specializing in the production of footwear and accessories, for which IFT was already the main supplier.

The press review is available here.

“Shipping Law, the crisis opens up new spaces for law firms” – Andrea Marega interviewed by ItaliaOggi

This week, ItaliaOggi Sette focus is on the shipping sector.
Specifically, Antonio Ranalli conducted a survey on the structural changes and multiple challenges faced by the global maritime industry in the light of the pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
One of the professionals interviewed was our Partner Andrea Marega, expert in Administrative, Regulatory and Antitrust Law, who notes how the logistics, shipping and maritime transport sector has undergone such far-reaching changes globally that antitrust authorities in Europe and the US have exceptionally adopted exemptions in the fight against cartels.
Shipping companies – which were already expecting a decrease in overall maritime traffic – were allowed to join forces, resulting in a significant increase in the cost of goods.
The impact is such, says Marega, that it “calls into question the relocation of production, which is the result of the globalised economy”.

The full focus is available here