“Elections and social media space” – Daniela De Pasquale’s article for Wired

The topic is a hot one: at election time, what role do social media play?
Is it right for platforms to shield us from disinformation and hidden election advertising? And to defend us from manipulation attempts from abroad?
Today it is up to them to control the content in the great digital public space created by social.
In this article for Wired Italia, by our own Daniela De Pasquale, an accurate reflection on these issues, in the light of the current and future regulatory framework.
We recommend reading it, at this link

“Generational shift in law firms: a less and less family affair”, Roberto Leccese interviewed by Il Sole 24 Ore

Massimiliano Carbonaro interviewed for Il Sole 24 Ore our Managing Partner Roberto Leccese, who described how Ughi e Nunziante has completed the generational shift in coincidence with the fiftieth anniversary of its foundation, in 2019, embarking on a new path of growth and development that has seen the entry of numerous professionals, a drastic reduction in the members’ average age and a significant gender rebalancing.

To read the full article click here

“Business Crisis, the role of professionals is crucial”, Gianfranco Arpea interviewed by ItaliaOggi Sette

Antonio Ranalli conducted for ItaliaOggi a focus dedicated to business crisis and how the role of professionals within firms is changing.

Gianfranco Arpea was interviewed about the changes introduced by the new Business Crisis and Insolvency Code that came into force last July 15 and in particular regarding the figure of the Expert Negotiator who plays a key role in ensuring business continuity in the delicate phase of crisis.

To read the full interview click here.

Upstream, the whys of Italy’s sentencing for Ombrina Mare

Roberto Leccese authored, for the Italian newspaper Quotidiano Energia, a commentary on the notorious “Ombrina Mare” affair, tracing its history and highlighting how the ICSID international arbitration, recently concluded with a heavy condemnation of Italy for violation of the ECT treaty, highlights objective criticalities of the Italian “Country system.”


The article, in Italian language, is available on page 8 of the Newspaper: see this link