Ughi e Nunziante assisted Standard Cognition in the acquisition of Checkout Technologies

Ughi and Nunziante, with a team coordinated by partner Giuseppe Coco and associate Dino Serafini, advised Standard Cognition (San Francisco) in the acquisition of Italian startup Checkout Technologies. Both companies are active in the development of advanced solutions for the simplification of payments in retail stores.

This deal marks the expansion into the European market for Standard Cognition, one of the first startups in the “cashless stores” sector, recognized by Fast Company magazine as “one of the 50 most innovative companies in the world”, and the first to open a cashless store in San Francisco.

The solutions developed by the two companies, of particular relevance in the post Covid-19 “new normal”, aim to definitively change the way shopping is done through the digitalization of supermarkets and the simplification of payments, introducing substantial benefits both in the management of stores and in the shopping experience for consumers.