Ughi e Nunziante with ISA – International Shipyard Ancona in the composition with creditors

The Court of Ancona approved the procedure for the composition with creditors entailing the transfer of ISA – International Shipyards  Ancona’s business, a company active in the construction and refitting of luxury yachts. Following a long procedure involving several national and international players in the industry and complex trade union negotiations, the composition with creditors allowed for the restructuring of an overall debt of over 55 million euro and the transfer of the business, with around 100 employees, to the Palumbo Group, a leading player in the market with several shipyards in the Mediterranean.

Ughi e Nunziante, with a team composed of partners Marcello Gioscia and Gianluigi Pugliese, and associates Carmen Oriani and Anna Vanni, handled the legal issues connected to the procedure for the composition with creditors and the transfer of business. The Palumbo Group was assisted by Giorgio Filippi, together with Paolo Bortoluzzi and Luca De Bernardi.

Ughi e Nunziante with Bial in the transfer of the immunotherapy companies to Roxall

Ughi e Nunziante assisted Bial, leading Portuguese multinational in the pharmaceutical sector, in the transfer of its immunotherapy Business to the German company Roxall. The transaction closed with the transfer to Roxall of Bial’s companies operating in Italy, Portugal and Spain in the immunotherapy sector.

Ughi e Nunziante, with a team composed of senior associate Benedetto Colosimo and associates Pietro Pastorello and Francesco Orlando, assisted Bial with regard to the transfer of the Italian subsidiary Bial-Aristegui Italia S.r.l. to Roxall.

Following the transfer of its immunotherapy business unit, Bial aims at increasing its presence in Italy in other strategic sectors of the pharmaceutical industry, by means of other subsidiaries which are already active in Italy.