Ughi e Nunziante with Intesa and BNL in their way out from Ariston Thermo

Roberto Leccese, partner at Ughi e Nunziante, assisted Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A., IMI Investimenti S.p.A. (Intesa Sanpaolo Group) and BNL S.p.A. (BNP Paribas Group) in the transfer of their shares to the corporate capital of Ariston Thermo S.p.A. (previously Merloni Termosanitari).

Ariston Thermo, a long-established Italian company operating in the field of water and home heating, closed the year 2012 with a net profit of 50 million Euros and a revenue of 1.324 million.

The shares of the two bank Groups, equal to 18% of the capital, have been purchased by Ariston Thermo for a total of 104.7 million.