Ughi is back at Ughi e Nunziante

Andrea Ughi left NCTM law firm and became an equity partner at Ughi e Nunziante.

After working for twenty years in some of the greatest foreign and Italian firms in Italy, he decided to accept the proposal of joining the firm founded in 1968 by his father, Giovanni Maria Ughi, who passed away last year, and Gianni Nunziante, who is still an Of Counsel to the firm.

«A romantic choice which makes me proud; a big professional challenge, that of having the opportunity of working in the firm co-founded by my father and which is still considered to be among the first-rate law firms in Italy and abroad» declared the lawyer recently.

According to Fiorella Alvino, managing partner of the Milan office, «Andrea’s entry in the firm represents another step in the process of continuity and change adopted by the offices of Milan and Rome of Ughi e Nunziante, which is leading to excellent results in the firm’s development.»

Andrea Ughi is an expert in general corporate and commercial law, he has gained a broad experience in extraordinary corporate transactions and has always had an international vocation, focussing especially on Spanish, English and American clients.

Agostino Clemente, partner of Ughi e Nunziante, is a lecturer at the conference on experimentation and innovation in the cartoons (“Sperimentazione e Innovazione nel Cartoon”).

Agostino Clemente, partner of Ughi Nunziante, is lecturer at the conference Experimentation and Innovation in the Cartoon, which will be held on July 6, 2012 at IED in Rome.

This is the link to the page presenting the event

Agostino Clemente is the President of Cartoon Italia, the association of Italian companies of animation, and is professor of commercial law at the University of L’Aquila.